Why Study English as a Second Language?

Published on: 28/03/2018 By
Last Modified on: 23/04/2018

When you choose to invest your time and energy into learning a second language, deciding which language you choose is undoubtedly important. So why should you study English as your second language? Read on to find out!

Today over 50% of the world’s population can speak two or more languages, and over 1.5 billion people are learning a second language, above all English. We live in a global community that is bringing us all much closer together and we need at all costs to be able to communicate effectively with each other. Being able to speak a second language as well as your mother tongue is a great skill that can open many doors in your personal and professional life. But with many languages to choose from, you may be unsure which one is right for you. Here are some reasons why you should choose English.


English is the World’s Second Language

While there are languages that are spoken by large numbers of people, such as Mandarin, Spanish and Arabic, the most widely used second language is English, with a total number of 1.4 billion native and non-native speakers. That means that one in five people (20% of the world’s population) can communicate in English. It is not only the huge number of people that is important but also the fact that you can find people who speak English in every part of the world, from the Americas, to Asia, to Africa and Europe. And a great deal of communication today in English is held between people who are non-native speakers. English is the common link between many origins and cultures.  

English is for Everyone

Of all the many languages spoken around the world, English is one of the most accessible to learn. It has a fairly simple verb tense system, quite a basic alphabet, and is very flexible. You can quickly learn some basic English and reach a survival level without much difficulty, especially if you follow a study method which focuses on speaking and listening, as you can do at Wall Street English. But you can also work towards a higher level of fluency within a relatively short period of time, something which is not always possible in other languages. Written English is not that different from the spoken language, and tends to be quite short and concise, so you can easily start writing some basic emails for work and travel.

English is for Fun

When you play a video game or check your social network page, watch a video or listen to a song, I bet you hear or read something in English! Knowing English opens the door to understanding a lot of really cool things. Many comments posted online or funny stories appear in English because the writers know s/he will reach a greater number of people. And many of the most popular films and television series are available first in English, so if you understand English you don’t have to wait until they are translated into your native language.

English is for Learning

Have you ever tried doing a search for something in your native language and then again in English? The quantity of search results in English is astonishing. This is also true of literature – the number of books written in English far exceeds any other language. Many schools and universities in non native English speaking countries are now teaching subjects in English rather than in the local language, and students are doing projects and exams in English too. Why? Because future generations will undoubtedly need to use English during their careers, and it makes sense to help young people be as well-prepared for this as possible.

English is for Business

There are few jobs today that don’t require the use of English in one way or another. Just think about computers and technology – many terms that we all use every day are in English and are not translated into your native language. And of course, more and more companies are working with clients or suppliers from abroad and it’s almost impossible not to use English. English is a very practical language for business communication and is almost always the preferred choice by international companies as their official language. At Wall Street English you learn business language from the very first levels of our course, because we understand how important English is for business purposes, and if you learn through speaking and listening, you can quickly start using English at work.

English is for Travelling

As a global community, international travel has become the norm for many of us. Holidays in a foreign country frequently mean learning the local language or using English, and for the majority of people English is the easiest and most practical option. If you speak English you can book trips, hotels, follow a guided tour and understand all the tourist information available all around the world.

English is for Meeting People

If you can speak English, just think of all the new people you can meet and communicate with. Knowing English can completely transform your social interactions when you travel or when foreigners visit your country. Instead of depending on someone else to interpret or translate for you, you can directly interact with local people on holiday or foreign business people at a fair.


Why don’t you check your level with our English Test and start your learning English journey now!




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Mary Milne

Author of this post

Mary Milne has worked for Wall Street English for 20 years. After studying at the University of Bristol and subsequently doing a CELTA course, she began her career in teaching. Over the years she has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in ESL and has worked as an Online Community Manager, and author for Wall Street English International and Pearson, writing informative educational content. She dedicates most of her free time to music, playing in a band and singing in a choir.

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