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Success Stories from our Network

A selection of case studies from our franchise partners

We can tell you that investing with us is worthwhile and a good opportunity, but really, our franchisee success stories speak for themselves. That’s why we’ve gathered them together here so that you can hear from the people who have taken us at our word and now have thriving Wall Street English centers of their own.

Wall Street English Employee Mabel

Mabel García de Angel

Franchisee for Colombia

“We now have 15 centers covering 4 different cities with a monthly enrollment of approximately 300 students…

The Wall Street English brand and teaching method were brought to Colombia in 1997 under the model of a franchise agreement. Since then, the business in Colombia has been consistently growing. I have witnessed the most effective English teaching method, demonstrated by the results I see our students achieve. Wall Street English International has been a fundamental partner in our development. Their commitment, knowledge, constant innovation, and transparent communication are characteristics that have led to a successful model and a very positive relationship.”


Wall Street English employee Michel

Michel LeQuellec

Franchisee for Vietnam

“I was originally a retail banker for Citibank & Standard Chartered, and was looking to start my own business…

I chose Wall Street English as I was impressed by the blended learning approach and the fact that all parts of business performance are measured, like in a bank. The method itself offers flexibility for busy adults, and also guarantees results. Our center teams can see specific study progress for each student and focus on aiding each person to reach his or her individual goals. This is why the concept works so well – a product which satisfies the needs and schedules of our clients.

I realised that this is a sound business concept and decided to buy the franchise initially for Thailand, then was also involved in opening Wall Street English in Indonesia and Hong Kong, and have now moved on to establish the Vietnam business – after three years we already have 7,000 students in four schools and are aiming at up to 10 centers and 20,000 students within the next 3 years!

I am confident in these plans, as Wall Street English continues to grow and improve – we are just upgrading our entire core product, will launch additional digital elements, and continue to increase our English product range.”

Wall Street English corporate employee Nata

Natanael Wright

Franchisee for France

“In 1983 my father signed the first franchising deal outside the originating country, Italy. He became the franchisee for France. We now have 50 schools…

10 years after my father signed the franchising deal he only had two schools and he called me in to take over. One of my initial decisions was to refocus massively on the franchise concept. I am a developer not a creator like my father was, and franchising suited me well: a solid concept and a results-delivering method I did not have to worry about.

In less than 10 years we became by far the biggest English school network in France and our brand is by far the most famous one. I like thinking back on this story. Two ways of seeing things. Two sound business options:

1. Create your own business and concept with a 20% success rate or
2. Adopt somebody else’s concept and focus on development

I chose the second. We now have 50 schools in France and a 36m euro business.”

Wall Street English pin location animation

Gary Bellamy

Sub Franchisee for Portugal

“My name is Gary Bellamy and I am 63 years old. I was a chauffeur in England and I worked for Pearson PLC, in fact I drove the then CEO Marjorie Scardino…

She knew that I was eager to challenge myself more and when Pearson acquired the Wall Street Institute, she encouraged me to look into the possibility of becoming a franchisee. Portugal has always been close to my heart ever since my first of many visits in 1975 and it was a dream of mine that maybe one day I could retire here.

After some meetings I was offered the franchise for Setubal and opened the center on the 2nd of January 2012. It worked out well because I had to relocate to a much a bigger space in October 2015. A new opportunity then arose to open a new center in Evora, a university city 85 kilometres east of Setubal. I am pleased to say that I opened the new center there on the 3rd September 2016. So as I sip my coffee look across the sea and reflect on all that has happened in just over 5 years it is hardly surprising it feels that I am living the dream.

All this could not have happened without the support of Darren Swan and all of his team at WSE Portugal. The population of Portugal is around 11 million and there are 34 Wall Street English centers here and we think of ourselves as one big family. The support, advice and more importantly the ongoing training we receive from WSE Portugal is first class and it is also very reassuring that I can also rely on the other franchisees for help and advice too if needed.

There are so many wonderful things about operating a Wall Street English center but for me, I just adore the social side of the centers, and in fact, I choose to deliver the Social Clubs myself! I am always thinking of different ideas to encourage the students to attend my centers more often to converse with other students in English. To me, my centers are just one big Social Club but where you learn too. There is nothing more rewarding for me than to see students who started their courses with little or no English and that within a short period of time are conversing with me and others in English (even a little Cockney rhyming slang).

Everyone who is a part of the Wall Street English Portugal family are very excited that the new core course will be fully implemented in Portugal by the end of the first quarter of 2017. This is an amazing step forward and for my part, the future could not be brighter.

Portugal is my home now. I love living here. But I believe just living here would not be the same without operating and working in my centers, that’s what I love.

My closest friends back in the UK, would, I know, tell you that a favourite quote of mine is “Life is wonderful”. I firmly believe this. Despite the cruel things that can happen to any one of us, and I have had my share, I can honestly say that at this present time life is certainly wonderful for me.”

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